[SDL] kiss_sdl - Simple universal GUI widget toolkit for SDL
2016-08-03 20:34:17 UTC
Two of the most active users saw it as the biggest problem that different widgets cannot have different fonts and images, thus i had to make that change. I'm convinced that the core should not be anyhow restrictive, anything that forms a core in any code. I hope it will be the last change, but it was inevitable. It was only a small change and it is also backward compatible. It was implemented by using magic numbers, that enable to check whether a resource (image or font) is assigned. Additional resources can now be loaded after the init function, and their structures can be assigned to the widget structures before creating (initializing) the widgets with the ..._new() functions. This enables a new creative dimension, like a slider can now be easily made out of scrollbar just by loading different images for arrows and vslider or hslider.

Different widgets can now have different fonts and images, in the new version 1.2.0 https://github.com/actsl/kiss_sdl .

kiss_sdl - Simple generic GUI widget toolkit for SDL2 https://github.com/actsl/kiss_sdl
2016-08-03 21:55:52 UTC
Fixed release 1.2.0, adding kiss_combo.png, in the new version 1.2.2 https://github.com/actsl/kiss_sdl .

kiss_sdl - Simple generic GUI widget toolkit for SDL2 https://github.com/actsl/kiss_sdl
2016-08-16 17:34:25 UTC
A user posted a pull request for high DPI displays, but i cannot test it, as i have no high DPI monitor.

kiss_sdl - Simple generic GUI widget toolkit for SDL2 https://github.com/actsl/kiss_sdl
2016-08-16 20:38:51 UTC
A quick video of my game using KISS. Its a bit old now,as I'm using it more in the main game :

2016-09-06 08:25:04 UTC
Regarding the look and feel, well... I think it needs some
reconsideration :-).
You may not believe how easy it is to change the look and feel. I tried to keep the default version simple, so it were easy for beginners to use, change, and play with it. Thus by default there is only a rudimentary graphics. But if you need something more advanced, you may fork it in GitHub and make a more advanced version of it. Very possible to do, and i'm sure there would be people who want to use it.

kiss_sdl now appears first when searching GitHub for C widget toolkit https://github.com/search?l=C&q=widget+toolkit&type=Repositories&utf8=%E2%9C%93 . Before tcl/tk surprisingly, which is an old and most widely used widget toolkit. I still think it's the best, though much more complex than mine and it is not for C, but tcl, the whole tcl interpreted language has to be embedded for using it. But i think it's an alternative for these who want a more advanced widget toolkit. imgui is more popular, it is historic, the first immediate GUI, who will not give the credit, though it is a lot more complex than mine and not really very easy to use.

And thanks a lot to MrTAToad for nice video.

kiss_sdl - Simple generic GUI widget toolkit for SDL2 https://github.com/actsl/kiss_sdl
2016-09-30 14:12:21 UTC
There is one feedback that i may need, do the border and edge also have to be different for different widgets or is it OK that they are the same for all widgets, and everything remains as it is? By now i don't change anything.

I found it looks like that tcl/tk is hosted in SourceForge, so this is likely some mirror of it there, but it was the first there.

kiss_sdl - Simple generic GUI widget toolkit for SDL2 https://github.com/actsl/kiss_sdl
2016-10-26 17:58:40 UTC
There was an issue posted in GitHub https://github.com/actsl/kiss_sdl/issues/11 about building kiss_sdl for Android. First it was written there
Good and simple little GUI kit!
I'm guessing it's not compatible with mobile?
Anyone got it working?
and then
Disregard works fine!
Android didn't handle the fprintf stderr.
It was a missing texture.
Thanks for the GUI, it's pretty cool!
So i wrote this to let you know that it can be built for Android. I have the Android Studio installed and have an Android emulator, so i can test any builds for Android.

kiss_sdl - Simple generic GUI widget toolkit for SDL2 https://github.com/actsl/kiss_sdl